Her journey begins as a little girl thinking "how could my mom be so cruel"? Now as a parent, she realizes the strength it takes to trust your instinct and stick to your guns with your children.
How to Trust Your Mom Instinct?
This blog entry comes from an anonymous individual from Canada that discusses the challenge about trusting your mom instinct.
Her Journey
Her journey begins when she remembers being a little girl herself and thinking that her mom was so mean. She never let her do anything and she was always so worried over every little things. She now knows how she felt. At the time, she thought “how can she be so cruel”? She has come to realize that everything she did, everything she said, everything she felt was out of love. Now that she has two little girls of her own, she now knows how it feels to build a human being from scratch. For example, you have to keep them safe, physically, but that’s the easy part. Mentally, you worry about what kind of person they will be and how every little thing you do or say is literally molding their character. When you carry them inside you for nine months and bring them into this world with every inch of strength you have, you tend to want to keep them safe from every inch of “bad” this world has. She has learnt that her mother did the best by her and she can only hope that one day her girls look back and think the same about her. Biggest Challenge? Trusting your mom instinct. As a woman, you have the inherent ability to conceive, birth and raise children. God gives you everything you need to do this but the hardest part about being a mom is ignoring all the contradictory advice and believing in yourself. How to Overcome this Challenge Listen to your heart. Know that you have the answers somewhere inside you. Stop trying to find the answers elsewhere, breathe and enjoy every second you have with your children instead of researching how to raise your children – just DO it.
A Little Piece of Advice
PEACE. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work…it means to be in the midst of all that and still be calm in your heart.
Resource Tip
Self-care all the way. Practicing yoga and meditation is also helpful.
TR Take Aways
Be a strainer. I am a very visual person and you will soon learn this. When someone, oh so graciously, gives me their opinion or their “shoulds” (e.g., you know what you SHOULD try?) I visualize these bits of information just sifting through the strainer back into the universe. Don’t get me wrong I am so so so grateful for conversations, advice and having time and energy from others into one of my life matters; however, I smile, nod, thank them for their opinion and let it filter through the strainer. Trust me, this takes strength because, as mentioned above, you have the answers within you. It is mentally draining and can suck your energy to keep information in your mind that is not making you feel good or serving anything or anyone in this moment. Try this…notice how many times someone “shoulds” you in a week…put $1 away every time – guaranteed you might have just enough to take yourself out for dinner!
Resources from this Post
My Favorite Nurturing Resources
1 Comment
Trusting your mom instinct. Thank you for sending this message out. This is what I tell every new mom. I say it like this. You will get lots of advice and read a lot about what "they say to do". Always remember that you are mom and you know best, you know them better than anyone in the world. Trust yourself.
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